
Take 20

When you give away a smile, it always comes back to you.
Photocredit: Richard Chicoine iCopyright 2011

Take 20...minutes....

and click into this TED show that manages to combine all of our topics for our Holistic Environment Learning Day at the Sister Margaret Smith Centre* on February 10!

Environment + Innovation + Health + Systems Thinking + Social Transformation + Texting Fish  ...
with a dash of humour and engineering!

Grab a java, go to the "Art of the Eco-Mindshift"
 with Natalie Jeremijenko:

Why the Sister Margaret Smith Centre?
It's LEED certified...

“Design that supports the core values of the client in an environment that boasts ample daylight and a direct connection to the outdoors.”

Located in Thunder Bay Ontario, the Sister Margaret Smith Centre provides residential and non-residential services for the treatment of addictions including drug and alcohol, gambling and eating disorders, amongst others.

The Centre has been designed to support the Core Values of the
St Joseph’s Care Group which are:
compassionate and holistic care,
dignity and respect,
faith based care,
 inclusiveness and
truthfulness and trust.
This is most evident at the main hall of the building known as the Hall of Recovery
which organizes the three main components of the program
 in a dignified, calm, welcoming and comforting setting.
Three large round roof windows, looking to the heavens,
 represent the Windows of Hope:
one for each of the mind (therapy rooms), body (gymnasium) and soul (spiritual space).

This project is targeting LEED* Gold certification.
Kuch Stevenson Gibson Malo Architects and Engineer.

*Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED)
is an internationally recognized green building certification system, providing third-party verification that a building or community was designed and built using strategies intended to improve performance in metrics such as energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction, improved indoor environmental quality, and stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts.

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