
Infinite Possibilities? COMMENTS please!

Photo Credit: Richard Chicoine iCopyright 2011

The Power of Tunnel Vision

Take a guess: where was this photo taken?

It's not Thunder Bay.  How would you know?

We were in Duluth Minnesota, enjoying the waterfront on the first day of spring, 2010.  Our hotel was adjacent to the Boardwalk that circles the bay on Lake Superior, and we were excited to spend 2 nights for the price on one, with a breakfast buffet and free parking!

We talked about Thunder Bay's decades-old  "tunnel vision" and the vocal disagreements about what is happening with our marina complex re-design.  Even though the project is progressing, there's still squabbles about the hotels and condos.

That's when Rick happened to notice a garbage container with a perfect round space to snap this photo. 

All of which brings me to the perception that citizens in Thunder Bay would rather debate innovation, than use all of that energy to  step into a new reality to turn our economy on its head.

Infinite Possibilities?

What has been holding us back from transformation? 
Ian Percy (http://www.ianpercy.com/), our speaker at the leadership luncheon puts it all on the ENERGY we create.

He says, for greater possibilities, expand your focus.

Think about that.  If each one of us, expands our focus, our networks, our own energy to move things ahead,
what could Thunder Bay be like in just a few days - months - years?

This is a fantastic city, but we work in tiny circles of influence.  We don't know what's going on across town or in a unfamiliar building or organization.

If we could build the synergy around our best efforts and accomplishments, think about the possibilities!

Ian wasn't joking when he said that we've grown up like chickens in a coop - confined by past best practices, industrial mindsets and (let me add), 40 year old resentments around amalgamation. 

We have options:
Would you rather be framed in a chicken coop, or fly free range?

More later....I invite you to talk about this...

Send in your comments!

(Note:  Example!  Rebecca posed the question:
Would Ian Percy be a relevant speaker for a Leadership Thunder Bay luncheon? 
She asked a few of us to help, and within 8 days, we had the room sold out! 
Isn't this a perfect example of  what it takes to create opportunities that can change attitudes and shift mindsets?? 
Thank you for participating!)

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