Photo Credit: Richard Chicoine iCopyright 2010
How can I lead the way to eArtH dAy?
April 22
As we go about our everyday business, we don't notice the changes around us. Who can remember the first time that a grocery store loaded our purchases into plastic bags. When did the paper sacks disappear? What about the first time you purchased bottled water? What happened to the fountains in school hallways? When computers were introduced, we were promised a "paperless society". That didn't exactly happen. Change just seems to creep in on cat's paws. Suddenly, our world has transformed and subconsciously, so have our own patterns. Sadly, many of us don't even notice that we are personally contributing to the destruction of our global environment.
eArtH dAy is a conscious effort to change the way we live and work.
How can you lead a small portion of the effort with your family or on the job? Yes, this is personal.
Feel free to distribute these websites widely!
Canadian info here:
Play Earthday Trivia with your kids here:
Clean Up the Coastline?
See Wavelength Magazine which is challenging all of us to raise the bar on cleaning up our coastline and in return recognizes our efforts with great prizes.
Looking for stuff? Need anything? Recycle for free here:
We'll all learn more about our "state of the art" environment in Thunder Bay at our next CLD.
*** Suggest ways that Leadership Thunder Bay can become greener - to take the lead for other community organizations and ourselves.
Send in your comments by clicking into and posting your thoughts at the end of this blogpost.
Remember, time changes for next week!
Bus leaves at 8:20 am and returns for 5:30 pm.
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