
What's a ZWAT?

Photo Credit: Richard Chicoine iCopyright 2010

ZWAT's Up in Thunder Bay?
We are committed to a greener city (as approved by Council in 2008)...says the Zero Waste Action Committee

ZWAT says  "Nature Is The Model"


•Nature does not waste.

•A waste to one species is food or a resource to another.

•Everything is connected.

•We may not get rid of all mines and landfills as we know them today, but we should not design our economy to be dependent on them.

Why Not Have A 50% (Or Some Other Number) Waste Diversion Goal?

•Then we will have to plan for more landfills and incinerators to meet the other 50% of our discards, on an on-going basis.

•Investment in waste disposal impedes entrepreneurs, businesses and governments from innovations in waste prevention, reuse, recycling and composting.

Instead, We Need To Open Up Our System To Achieve Zero Waste. We Need To:

•Provide economic incentives: Tax ‘bads’ (pollution and waste), not ‘goods’ (labor and income).

•Eliminate Corporate welfare for wasting.

•Encourage use of recycled content products by manufacturers.

•Work with manufacturers, product designers, advertisers and consumers to share responsibility for the products produced and used prior to disposal.

Thunder Bay is One of Canada's Leading Cities

Canadian Zero Waste Cities (British Columbia leads the provinces...)
Guelph, Ontario; Halifax, Nova Scotia; Regional District Nelson, British Columbia; Regional District Kootenay Boundary, British Columbia; Smithers, British Columbia;Regional District Cowichan Valley, British Columbia; Nanaimo, British Columbia; Toronto, Ontario; Sunshine Coast Regional District, British Columbia; Thunder Bay, Ontario.

The Waste Working Group recommended in the EarthWise Community Environmental Action Plan that the City of Thunder Bay adopt a goal of Zero Waste and develop and implement a comprehensive, integrated Waste Management Plan adhering to Zero Waste Principles.

The EarthWise CEAP was approved by Thunder Bay City Council on Monday, October 6 2008. Lynn Duffield, ZWATeam rep on the EarthWise CEAP Steering Committee has been elected as the Chair of the EarthWise Implementation Advisory Committee.

GREENing of TBay
Plan your family's events this Easter Weekend to be greener than green.

For "E"- Easter crafts, go to:

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