
Exploring Holistic Leadership

Photo Credit: Richard Chicoine 2011 iCopyright

"In an environment which has living structure each of us tends,

more easily,

to become alive."

- Christopher Alexander

Holistic Leadership...what does it mean
to you?


If you take a close look at the photo (above), 
reflect on what you see "in your own moment"  and think about
all the systems which created  that moment,
you will start to understand the true meaning of "holistic" leadership. 

Study it for a couple of minutes... how many systems are  inter-related?  What kind of collaboration needs to happen between like and unlike elements?

What does it take for the waxwings to perch on the branch? For the branch to grow? For the berries to ripen?  What nurtures? What storms/crises have created these circumstances?

What does it take for the photographer to be ready, at that moment?  What has he learned, studied?  What made him aware?

Nature is a holistic leader's best teacher.  It is the ultimate in "Systems Thinking".


You might also enjoy reading Margaret Wheatley's short article on
Leading in the Age of Complexity. 
Link is here:


1 comment:

John Walmark said...

I really enjoyed reading the blog and the Margaret Wheatley article"Leading In The Age Of Complexity-From Hero To Host".

I've often thought that when the world expects you to be Superman, all you want to be is Clark Kent!
