Photo Credit: Richard Chicoine iCopyright 2010
The 100 Day Plan for Leaders: Duck!
The Intersection of Duck Maturity
& Innovative Leadership Thinking
& Hatching Your Tipping Point Plan
The research says:
Ducks incubate for up to 30 days. Hatch.
Ducks mature - reach that independent stage - in another 70 days or so.
Total? 100 Days...
Here's the bottom line:
The 100 Day Duck Growing Up Plan also applies to Leaders who want to grow.
If you, as LEADERS, could strategically incubate an idea or two - reflect - for 30 days and then move to action for another 70 days...
In 100 days, the changes you want to happen - your "tipping point HOT Seat GOALS - could begin, and also be measured.
* Always think in 100 day blocks of time.
(a) What is the concept you would like to take forward?
Take the time to reflect. Incubate. Don't rush.
Then hatch the central core of the plan.
(Let the duckling of an idea emerge slowly from its shell...
first glimpse of surroundings, new environment...
(b) Work on the action plan - who else, what else, how.
Make intersections of ideas.
Write it all down.
(c) Set up the standards and measurements, loosely at first... how far will you fly?
(d) Be aware of the "red flag" moments - do not discard what is niggling...find the texture and context of the part that doesn't seem to fit.
Source the danger - get out of the nest. This could be the best part!
(e) Look ahead to the 100 day deadline (duck line) and back to measure your growth as you go. Allow natural growth.
Do This Daily. Take notes.
(f) Start the next 100 days.
If the morning after LTB Grad Day (June 11) marks Day 1, then July 30 is your half way point, and September 18 would be your 100 Day closure point.
Shift from "Doing Leadership to Being Leadership...
in 100 days...
If ducks can fly in 100 days......what about what you want to do?
Let me know! I'll check in with you in September and post your comments on our XOWhat blog.
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