
Tipping Point: What gives you leverage?

"Give me a lever long enough, and a place to stand, and I can move the earth."
- Michaelangelo

Leverage:  your tipping point...

What is the one small manoevre, the one change in your mindset,  that could cause other parts to shift significantly?

Malcolm Gladwell defines Tipping Point (in a community/social environment)  as:
 "The tipping point is that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire."

In personal terms,
it's the point at which your momentum for change becomes unstoppable. 

Look for an obvious, small, perhaps invisible element of your leadership that can leverage everything else that you do.

For example, Nelson Mandela says (as one of his Rules of Leadership): 
Rule 1:  Courage is not the absence of fear -
it's inspiring others to move beyond it.

He said:  "I can't pretend that I'm brave and that I can beat the whole world.  But as a leader, you can't let people know.  You must be courageous on your face."

Through the act of appearing fearless, he inspired others.  Prisoners who watched Mandela walk across the Robben Island prison yard, said that he walked proud and upright, and that was enough to keep them going for days.  He knew that he was a model for others, and that gave him the strength to triumph over his own fear.

Courage as a Tipping Point:  If you added more courage to your leadership, what would that give you?  Who would you be?

Read more about tipping point goals:  Dr. Brad McRae's 7 Strategies of Master Leaders, pages 264 - 287.

Also Malcolm Gladwell  talks about success - videos on :  http://www.leighbureau.com/speaker_documents.asp?view=video&id=77
Choose:  "The Hour" CBC  & Meaningful Work "

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