
Tipping Point: Mandela-isms 5 & 6

Part 5
Mandela Says:  Keep Your Friends Close - and Your Rivals Even Closer
When Mandela emerged from prison, he famously included his jailers among his friends and put leaders who had kept him in prison in his Cabinet. 
Mandela believed that embracing his rivals was a way of controlling them: they were more dangerous on their own than within his circle of influence. 
They were part of his brain trust. 
He cherished loyalty, but was not obsessed by it. 

After all, he used to say, "People act in their own interest".

Your tipping point:  What are your expectations of others?  Your "competition"?
Who is in your brain trust, and who is not?


Part 6
Mandela Says: Appearances Matter - and Remember to Smile

When Mandela was running for the Presidency in 1994, he knew that symbols mattered as much as substance. 
He was never a great public speaker, and people often tuned out what he was saying after the first few minutes. 
So, when he was on the platform, he would always dance the toyi-toyi,
the township dance that was an emblem of struggle.

But even more important was that dazzling, all inclusive smile.  For white South Africans, the smile symbolized Mandela's lack of bitterness and suggested that he was sympathetic to them.  To black voters, it said, "I am a happy warrior, and we will triumph."

Your Tipping Point:  What are you projecting (through your facial expressions and body language) to the world? To those you are leading?


PS  LOST (in space) - these 2 posts disappeared over the long weekend. 
This is a repeat posting.

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