Photo Credit: Richard Chicoine iCopyright 2010
Who Is YOUR Tugboat?
OK: You've set your goals, figured out your direction, set your course. Off you go... and then the winds change, the waves sweep your lunch overboard or maybe the ice cramps your style.
Think you can do it all on your own?
That is one of the biggest leadership myths around.
Every one of us needs our tug boat pals to help us navigate...plow through the thick us to the safe harbour.
In the case of LTB, you may be the "captain" of your leadership/ship; and as lead facilitator, label me "your tug boat". My job is to serve.
As Yolibeth mentioned in her presentation about balance,
we all need our networks... setting your compass isn't supposed to be a personal secret exercise. Checking in with your colleagues, mentors, friends and family will support you in making sure that you don't head out for sea with a storm about to fuddle your plans. They too, are you tugs.
Tracy Buckler stated: "It's easy to lead if nothing's happening."
Let's take that one step further:
it's easy to set goals if nothing is happening.
Take advantage of the wealth of experience around you... make this network a priority for you, now and in the future.
Set your goals high; ask questions that will scare you;
shake up your future.
Complacency is the most dangerous spot to be found asleep.
Mediocrity runs a close second.
Here's a thought:
Even though you haven't graduated yet, consider your role with LTB...
you might be the candidate to step into a committee, the board...
the national network.
Yes, YOU.
Dream big. Listen well.
Wishing you...
Smooth waters, fresh winds, blue skies and
just enough turbulence to keep you sharp at the captain's wheel.
Call on the tugs before you need them!
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