
Walk A Mile, Part 2

Photo Credit: Richard Chicoine iCopyright 2009

Your Personal Challenge

It's the first week of December... a time when many of us shop more, eat more, socialize more, drive around more...

Rush!!!!!!  stop......

Let's walk a mile in someone else's shoes for just one week...
Join us in getting hungry for answers...

Poverty in Ontario is at an all time high. As the economic crisis grows, so does the number of people relying on social assistance and food banks.

Does a single person on social assistance receive enough income to live with health and dignity? Do The Math to find out!

Step 1:  Log into http://dothemath.thestop.org/index.php and complete the survey.

Step 2:  Track your spending for 1 week (before our next CLD).  Every penny.  Divide your monthly bills into a one week allotment.  Use the survey form on the website. 

How does your family budget compare with the max allotments for social assistance?

Step 3: Optional -  Can you NOT SPEND for 7 days - use what you have in your cupboards, cut back on driving, take public transit or car pool, say "no" to treats....for just one week...  leave your wallet and credit cards at home...

The Challenge:  How many of us are willing to step into the shoes of so many others experiencing this for real...?

Bookmark the site and read the links at Poverty in Ontario http://dothemath.thestop.org/links.php

The Dew Drop Inn at St Andrews RC Church (Red River Road) provides lunchtime meals for anyone in our community...no questions asked.   Daily, 2:30 to 4 pm.



Jocelynne said...

Part of my story includes times of living in poverty. I have had the personal experience of trying to support my daughter and myself with the help of social assistance, food banks and other organizations. We managed and I am forever grateful for the assistance that helped me help myself out of a bad situation and a very difficult time in my life. That impoverished person that you reach your hand out to help could someday be the person working next to you, or your banker, or city councillor. The possibilities are endless for those who seek the right support and have the right attitude and perserverance. Find it in your heart to share your blessings with those less fortunate this holiday season and throughout the new year.

Anonymous said...

I too have had that experience..so hats off to you for over coming. I know it's not easy.