
Let's Do Lunch

Photo Credit: Richard Chicoine iCopyright 2009

"Small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast."
- William Shakespeare

Shakespeare may not come to mind immediately when we think about great leadership.   Yet  this literary giant knew of what he spoke.  He understood that the time spent in laughter and feasting would become the source of many of his anecdotes and scenes, the centre of his craft and the base for his large "fan club".  So, too, it is with leadership.  Yours is the art of "showing up" to connect and learn with others.

"Let's Do Lunch"

So that brings us to the topic of doing lunch in a world much different than the old bard's neighbourhood.   It's not necessarily about the food; it's the connection ... relationship... the act of sharing both meal and time that remains the same regardless of century or occupation. 

Leaders Doing Lunch

So here's the rub (yes, more Shakespeare). 

Lunch at Leadership Thunder Bay is an integral part of the program.  It's not an optional activity "just to eat". 

Here's 10 reasons why we feast ensemble:
  • we get to know one another casually and build relationships - have a laugh or two -  that may last for a lifetime
  • we invite speakers, sponsors and alumni to lunch specifically to meet YOU
  • you get to pick the speaker's, sponsor's and alumni's brain
  • you strengthen your leadership network in a personalized atmosphere (six degress of separation!)
  • you have time to delve into the topic of the day with others who may not have experienced what you already know
  • you have the opportunity to speak privately with organizational representatives and connect with common interests
  • you can just relax - pause - for a while
  • you stay "on topic"
  • you are nourished
  • you develop that way you "be" in leadership, not just what you "do" in leadership.

Let me quote Rabbi Shapiro's grace...for a universal perspective:

"We eat not simply to satisfy our own appetites,
we eat to sustain ourselves in the task we have been given.
Each of us comes into the world with a gift no other can offer: ourselves.
We eat to sustain our task of world repair,
our quest for harmony, peace and justice

We give thanks for the power that makes for meeting,
for our table has been a place for dialogue and friendship.

We give thanks to Life.
May we never lose touch with the simple joy and wonder
of sharing a meal.

*  If, by chance, you have an important appointment that conflicts with a learning day, "use your best judgement" as a leader.  Try to keep our learning days free of other activities (from 8:30 am to 5 pm, inclusive). 

The Curriculum Committee has this guideline: 
"Is it a matter of life and death?".

If this is what you term "a matter of life and death", please notify us well in advance so that we can order the correct number of meals. 

If you must leave, please position yourself in the room so that you do not interfere with the presentation by having to disturb others when you exit and return.

Bon Appetit my friends!

ps...the mushroom = a symbol for leadership at the Retreat...click on "comments" to remind us about the connection

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