
Special Message for Current Class: FYI

Dear Alumni of Leadership Thunder Bay,

My name is Herpreet Lamba and I am the incoming President of Leadership Thunder Bay for the 2009-2010 year. I have been involved with the organization for many years now and I am really excited about the year ahead for the organization.

The purpose of my email is to inspire our alumni to support our wonderful organization as we approach our annual AGM on November 10th, 2009. Over the years our alumni has been instrumental in the success of our program as most of our new participants into the program come by way of referral from former graduates, and I thank you all for the continued support.

My goal is to have 100% of our alumni (currently 126) become financial supporters of our organization. Achieving this status would significantly assist us in our efforts to secure donations and sponsorships from other community members. This goal of 100% is a significant challenge.

In an effort to help us achieve this goal, I pledge to donate $7.00 for every alumnus who donates to our organization before November 6th (why this date - it is 4 days before our AGM and I would like to announce our support at that event).

Please note, this is a per person match. Therefore, it does not matter if you donate $1, or $1,000, each donation will count the same. As we all learned in our classes, it's not the dollar amount that matters, but whether you are participating. I respect the fact that even the most modest donation may be a financial strain for some, so I have not tied this pledge to dollars, but rather to people. This is as much about participation as it is about fundraising.

So I ask that you consider accepting this challenge and consider supporting Leadership Thunder Bay. I look forward to being able to announce 100% alumni support at this year's AGM on November 10th, and to having you celebrate this achievement with us.

If anyone has any questions, please feel free to email me directly.


Herp Lamba


Applications now being accepted for the 2010-2011 program year. Space is limited so apply early!

Applications now being accepted for the 2010-2011 program year. Space is limited so apply early!

For more information visit our website at www.leadershiptb.com

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