

Photo Credit: Richard Chicoine iCopyright 2009

How busy are you these days?

If you're into a connectivity with everyone else -
to the degree

that you don't have time to connect with -

what's your message as a leader?

Do Do Do? No time to BE?

This U-Tube "REFLECTION" only takes 1 hour 12 minutes...

learn about the power of using your mind - you too may win a rowing race...a Nobel Prize... peace, purpose, clues to who you really are...

PS: If you're saying, I don't have time for that right now...

find an hour soon to invest in your creativity...

whenever you're ready to explore.

Zenfully yours,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's see if I get this. Meditation is like reflection, and we need to reflect to be more visionary. So if I want to be more productive, I have to stop now and again. Interesting!